Advice from Virginia Woolf on Sales Success

If you read this, you might think I’ve ‘lost it’ and headed off into some out-of-body phase in my life.

But have you ever read or heard something that reached so deep into your core that it caused you to reflect on the way you turn up each day and in each moment?

I recently read this passage from Virginia Woolf (with thanks to Maria Popova)

Let us simmer over our incalculable cauldron, our enthralling confusion, our hotch-potch of impulses, our perpetual miracle — for the soul throws up wonders every second.

Science validates the value we can gain to our well-being and success from self-reflection.

Oh my … how beautifully Woolf describes the miracle that life is, the reality that life is difficult at times to understand, and that our choices in those moments of truth are being influenced by conflicting wants, needs and desires.

In sales and service roles, this is so true isn’t it … we often face moments of choice where the wants, needs and desires of our customers, clients and other stakeholders need to be balanced with our own sales targets, expected activity and results and organisational goals.

The solution.

Science also validates the clarity that can be gained for sales and service professionals who have and take action on a positive intention to make life better for their clients and customers.

This positive intention, when applied, provides clarity during those moments of choice that guide appropriate and intentional actions that will fast-track the earning, building and maintaining of trust.

Woolf’s words might not be your cup of tea.

However, what I know is this … In those moments of choice, little else will reap you the rewards you will achieve by starting with a clear and positive intention to make life better for your customers and clients in some way.

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