The BASICS of Selling
The BASICS of Selling self-assessments measure the following key steps in a proven success producing sales and communication process.
- Build trust
- Ask questions
- Show value
- Identify obstacles
- Confirm next steps
- Stay in touch
It is important to note that each of these self-assessments are to be treated as hypothetical self-development tools. They are in no way purporting to be an accurate assessment of competence or potential for sales success.

Self-Assessment Step 6
How well do you Stay In Touch in a sales or service role?
The self-assessment you are about to complete focuses on the sixth step in the BASICS of selling process …
Stay in Touch.
To complete this self-assessment, please read each statement and rate yourself using the following scale:
Never – this never applies to me
Rarely – this rarely ever applies to me, except for the odd occasion
Sometimes – this is descriptive of me for about 50% of the time
Often – this is descriptive of me more often than not
Always – this is always descriptive of me all the time