LIVING in the Light of Day – Guided Noticing Audio

Welcome to this ‘Guided Noticing’ activity resource page.

[Please know that if you are suffering from difficult thoughts and feelings that are causing you pain and suffering, or causing you to do things that are not in your own best interest or in the best interest of others, there is help available. In Australia call Life Line on 13 11 44 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636].

From time to time, you, me and most of us get ‘hooked’ into difficult or negative thoughts and feelings. And when we get hooked into these difficult or negative thoughts and feelings, we can mindlessly or unintentionally act in ways that are not good for us in the long run.

This audio has been recorded for you to become more aware that you are not your thoughts or your feelings. When you can become more mindfully aware of your thoughts and feelings, especially difficult or negative thoughts and feelings, you can equally take more mindful and intentional, positive and appropriate action that helps you move toward being the best version of yourself.

I recommend you repeat this exercise many times – just like working on physical muscle strength through repetitive training, you can strengthen your ability to accept difficult thoughts and feelings, and commit to taking appropriate and positive actions, guided by your values, to help you live a meaningful, flourishing and prosperous life.

To download the audio right-click this link and save it to your device

(This exercise is based on ACT [Acceptance Commitment Therapy], an evidence-based mindfulness approach to life. For more information, I recommend you visit Dr Russ Harris’ website

Read the Guided Noticing Script here

Take a moment here to sit in a chair or on your sofa … sitting forward a little with your back straight and your feet firmly on the ground. If you like you can close your eyes, or just pick a spot on the wall in front of you, or an object directly in your line of site. Now take a moment to just notice your breath. You don’t need to change your breathing, just notice breathing in and breathing out. Notice as you’re breathing in, that you might sense your breath is a little cooler as you breathe in and a little warmer as you breathe out. Just do this for a moment … noticing your breath … breathing in and breathing out. As you’re breathing in notice where the breath is going … notice the rise and fall of your belly … breathing in … breathing out … notice the rise and fall of your chest … notice the slight movement of your shoulders … keep following your breath … breathing in and breathing out. Now as you keep breathing normally, notice your feet resting on the ground … you might like to wriggle your toes a little … notice how that feels … keep breathing normally as you do … now notice your calves … breathing in … breathing out …, and now notice your buttocks … notice them pressing against the chair you’re sitting on … just stay there noticing them pressing against the chair for a moment more … breathing in … breathing out … now returning to noticing your breathing … in and out … the rise and fall of your stomach … the rise and fall of your chest … the slight movement of your shoulders. Now notice that there you are, sitting on the chair, breathing in and out, notice any sounds you might be hearing … notice any thoughts you might be thinking … keep breathing normally … breathing in … breathing out … now notice that there’s you in the chair, noticing your breathing, noticing the sounds you’re hearing, noticing the thoughts that you’re thinking … notice that you’re noticing all of these things … you’re noticing your breathing, you’re noticing you sitting in the chair, you’re noticing the sounds you’re hearing and you’re noticing the thoughts that you’re thinking. So, there’s you in the chair, there’s the sounds you’re hearing and the thoughts you’re thinking … and there’s a noticing part of you noticing all of these things. Now … as you finish this activity, when you’re ready, open your eyes if you’ve had them closed, gently stretch and maybe stand up and gently stretch a little more … and you’ve now completed this activity.