Work Personally With Me in 2024

Between November and December annually, I open the doors for leaders to apply for the next February intake of The Flourishing Life Coaching Program.

From the first week in February annually, I then work exclusively with only 5 carefully selected leaders for the five months between February and June.

No Risk Money Back Guarantee

If you are successful in your application for us to work together on this program, the good news is there is no risk to you … I take on all the risk. If at the end of the five-month program, you have implemented and completed all the recommended work, and you are unsatisfied with your results, I will refund your investment in full.

You can learn more and register your interest here.

Here’s The Process

1. Questionnaire submission

The first step, once you’ve read through what the program is and if you think it’s right for you, is to complete a questionnaire.

Please only submit the completed questionnaire if you genuinely believe, based on what you’ve read and completed, that if selected, the coaching program is something you would like to engage in.

Pre-Selection Interview

If based on your completed questionnaire I determine we could be a good fit for coaching, I will arrange for us to have a 30-minute meeting to explore the opportunity. This will be done in person if you are in Sydney or via Zoom video if not.

Confirmation of Commencement

Following our pre-selection interview, should we both agree that we are a good fit for coaching, you will complete and return my Confirmation of Commencement agreement and you will be invoiced for 50% of the investment required for the program (Remember, there’s no risk to you because of my 100% refund outlined above.

3 Hour Coaching Kick-Start Meeting

In the first week of February, after completing all the requirements of selection, we meet and commence the Flourishing Life Coaching program, either in person (if you’re in Sydney) or via Zoom video.

During this meeting we will confirm some of our initial discussions around identifying and clarifying your aspirational goals, your character strengths, how you operate at your best across the various professional and personal life roles you have, identify existing or potential blockages to success and establish a plan to manage and overcome those blockages.

Before and during this meeting and for the remainder of the program we will be using a range of scientifically validated self-assessments. We will explore and select specific strategies and actions (integrated positive practices (IPPs)) proven to positively impact your success.

You will leave the initial kick-start meeting (and each of the subsequent fortnightly meetings) with clear direction and agreed commitments on work to be completed by you before our next meeting.

Fortnightly 1 hour Coaching Meetings

Following the initial kick-start meeting, we meet each fortnight on an agreed day/time for up to 90 minutes (in person if in Sydney or via Zoom video) where you will outline what you have implemented, questions you have, and I will provide guidance through proven positive psychology coaching methodology.

Unlimited Personal Access

This is an exclusive program where you can email me with your questions in between our meetings, or, when more urgent, you can text me on my personal mobile number at any time during ‘work hours’ with a question and I will respond as soon as I can either by return text or phone call.

Investment Required

An upfront commitment fee of $2,500 (plus gst) and then monthly invoicing of $750 (plus gst) for 5 months.

So … if this sounds right for you, your next step is to complete and submit the questionnaire … but again, please only submit the completed questionnaire if you genuinely believe, based on what you’ve read and completed, that if selected, the coaching program is something you would like to engage in.

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