Making the most of tough times

Elvis Presley has been quoted as saying something like “Finger prints are like our values. We all have them, but they’re all different, and we leave them over everything we touch.”

Whether he did or didn’t say that, I reckon it’s a beaut metaphor.

As a behavioural scientist, one of my main areas of research over many years has been on the impact of our values on living meaningful, flourishing and prosperous lives – living a ‘good life’.

The really cool thing about being clear on your personal values is in difficult times, they become your guide and blueprint for making the best decisions and taking the best actions.

The Power of Personal Values in Tough Times

At the time of me writing this post, we are well over six months into this global Covid pandemic, and as you read this, Lizzie and I send you our very best and hope that you and your loved ones are safe and doing ok.

Even though I am a positive psychology practitioner, that doesn’t mean I’m a ‘happiologist’ – this really sucks, and I am not one to sugar coat such a global disaster that is negatively impacting the world economically and existentially.

However, even thought this well and truly sucks, I’ve made the decision not to get sucked-in to being despondent.

I’m not talking about positive thinking here … I’m talking about positive actions – actions that are aligned with your personal values.

What I know is this: Even though I have difficult thoughts and feelings about this pandemic, I can choose to take positive action regardless of those thoughts and feelings… and that’s what has been happening in our home office here in Sydney.

Two of my own personal values are (1) Love of learning, and (2) Contribution. (The other three in my top five are Vitality, Authenticity and Love/Relationships)

Aligning my actions with these three values, even amidst this Covid pandemic, Lizzie and I have invested in professional production advice and the latest in remote live-streaming, recorded video, audio, lighting and other technology to really step up our capacity to deliver engaging, entertaining and educative remote/virtual conference keynotes and masterclasses for our clients – and now we can do that anywhere in the world, without leaving our home office.

It’s been a great learning journey that will help us to continue to contribute to our clients.

Here’s a 2 minute video that I invite you to watch to see what we’ve been up to.

Being the best version of yourself

So, let me ask you these few questions … what sort of thoughts and feelings are you having at this time amidst this global pandemic? How are those thoughts and feelings helping or hindering you to be the best version of yourself – in whatever situation you find yourself in? How clear are you on your personal values and to what extent are your actions being guided and aligned with those personal values to allow you to be the best version of yourself?

Right now the world needs for you, me and all of us to be the best version of ourselves … so, even if you’re having some difficult thoughts and feelings, know that you can still choose to take positive actions that will lead to staying healthy and achieving whatever you can in the situation you find yourself in.

Please remember, if you’re really struggling with some difficult thoughts or feelings at this time, there’s always help available (Call LifeLine on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636)

My very best to you for now.

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