Gratitude in Sales, Service and Life

Let’s talk about the Power of Gratitude!

I’m worried for employee well-being across this country (and that includes leaders) – especially if you’re in Sales or Customer Service roles.

If you’re feeling the constant pressure of keeping up with the Joneses and find yourself enviously death-scrolling through the ‘perfect lifestyles’ of others, posted in photos, videos, and text, you could be just adding fuel to your sense that what you have is not enough, and that can lead to a sense that what and who you are is not enough.

Let me ask you this question … have you ever really defined what and how much is enough?

If you haven’t you are in danger of falling into the Success Trap – chasing the expectations and definitions of what others are telling you success ought to be for you.

What I’m not suggesting is you don’t strive in life. What I am suggesting is to first strive from a platform of GRATITUDE.

One of the most powerful tools that you have within you right now, that can help you avoid being caught in the Success Trap is GRATITUDE.

  • Don’t wait until you lose your health, before being grateful for your wellness.
  • Don’t wait until you lose your relationships, before being grateful for your friends and family.
  • Don’t wait until you lose your customers or clients, before being grateful for their business.
  • Don’t wait until you get too used to all you have, before being grateful for all you’ve acquired.
  • Don’t wait until you lose your job, before being grateful for the job you’ve got.
  • Don’t wait until you achieve a goal, before being grateful for lessons learned along the way.

This isn’t just the ramblings of an optimist; this is backed by years of positive psychology research that show gratitude is associated with boosting your sense of well-being and life satisfaction both in your personal and professional life.

Start 2025 with GRATITUDE and you’ll be surprised how your decisions, actions and behaviours will not only positively impact you, but those around you as well.

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