Forgiveness might sound a strange topic to be included in contributing elements to your sales success.
However, forgiveness includes your sense of understanding that none of us is perfect and that we all make mistakes.
Whether in your personal or professional life, there will be times you will not only benefit from forgiving others, you will also benefit from forgiving yourself when you make mistakes.
Forgiveness in Action
Being able to forgive someone for a wrongdoing, whether it was intentional or unintentional, has been shown to be an important character trait in building trust relationships in our personal and professional life – especially in leaders.
A reality of life some of us don’t want to acknowledge or accept is this: We all make mistakes.
At times you will want others to forgive you.
We know from the research if your mistake was unintentional rather than an intentional deception (that you hoped you just wouldn’t get caught doing), your likelihood of being forgiven is higher.
Practicing forgiveness shows your empathy for others, which helps you add depth and meaning to your relationships.
This week, think of a mistake or wrongdoing that you’ve experienced.
Ask yourself this question: What would cause a reasonable person to make this mistake?
Try to place yourself in their shoes (with their competence and in their situation).
Really work on having empathy with them.
If possible (and it won’t always be easy or in extreme situations, even possible for you), see if you can forgive them for the wrongdoing.
Researchers have shown that forgiveness is strongly associated with our sense of well-being, including feeling less depressed, boosting positivity, improving relationships, enhancing our sense of meaning in life, and sense of personal empowerment.
25 Contributing Elements to Living a Good Life
This topic of Forgiveness is just one of 25 contributing elements to living a good life that I write about in my book LIVING in the Light of Day.
If you haven’t got your copy yet (in hardcover, paperback, kindle/ebook or audiobook versions), you can Buy It Here.