Statistically speaking, you are more likely to be average than exceptional.
I know … not you – right?
This might be another one of those longer posts you choose not to read … especially based on how it’s started.
Consider this: In any group you are part of – work, sport, family, friends, or community, statistically speaking, you are likely to be an average member of that group (Darn Statistics!).
However, if you listen to motivational gurus, you’re a failure if you’re average. That’s a motivating thought isn’t it.
Finding the Exceptional in Average
Here’s the thing … being ‘average’ doesn’t mean you’re not exceptional in certain areas of your life.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re not standing out, that everyone else seems to have more, do more, know more, earn more, and get more out of life than you do … I have some good news for you.
What I’m not saying is if you’re average … give up.
Embracing Your Average-ness
Rather than falling into the ‘Success Trap’ of social comparison, or chasing success based on other peoples’ expectations of you, there is a clearer path, backed by evidence-based research to help you embrace, harness and release your average-ness and use it to achieve amazing things in your personal and professional life.
So, how do you do that?
You already know there isn’t a magic formula, however, the evidence is clear that following the three actions, will enhance your sense of well-being, life satisfaction and capacity to live an even more meaningful, flourishing, and prosperous life … at work and at home.
- Avoid the Success Trap: Shift your focus from traditional restrictive notions of success and social comparison, to what really matters in your personal and work life.
- Get Intentional: Set intentional goals to do the work required to strive toward being your best version of you. (Yes … you’ve got to commit to doing the work … there’s no such thing as just ‘thinking and growing rich’, or manifesting success without doing the work).
- Hold Yourself Accountable: Identify and mindfully apply your unique mix of strengths and talents to strive to be your best version of you in your personal and work life.
What we know is striving to be the best version of you is a lot different to believing you are exceptional, special and can achieve anything you want.
Just ‘thinking’ won’t get you rich. Just ‘wanting’ won’t manifest success.
Both thinking and wanting are great places to start, but it’s in the doing (sprinkled with a ‘why’) that success by whatever definition you seek is achieved.
All you’ve got is what you’ve got, until you choose to do something about having more.
However, let me leave you with this … is having more as important as being more?