Change the Game, Change the Result

I want to start with this: I do not believe selling is a ‘game’.

However, I do like the adage, change the game and you can change the result.

If you’re succeeding at the levels you want, then stick to what you’re doing … but always have an eye on ‘what if things change?’

However, if your sales success (or success in any area of your life for that matter), isn’t where you want it to be, maybe if you keep doing what you’ve always done, and just hoping for a better outcome at some stage, then your success just might be at risk.

So maybe it’s time to consider changing the ‘game’ you’re playing … changing what you do in some way.

Naming the Game

So how do you change the game? You’ve got to start by naming the games that you’re playing.

Here are five old games that many salespeople are still playing that they might need to change to improve their sales success.

Old Game 1. “I never have enough time.”

New Game: “I use the time I’ve got.”

You’ll never have any more time than there ever is in any day. This is a great game – let’s change it by getting up an hour earlier (I didn’t say this would be easy) or by watching an hour less TV.

If you really want to manage your time better, be diligent and vigilant at asking yourself “Is what I’m about to do goal supportive or goal distractive?”

When was the last time you did a ‘To Do’ list – maybe it’s time to try it again.

You know that ‘checking things off the list’ really can help you build a stronger sense of achievement and inspire you to keep focused and get things done.

Old Game 2. “I’m calling to touch base.”

New Game: “I’m calling to create value.”

It’s important to keep in touch with our clients – but not just to ‘touch base’.

Find real reasons to call – ask a question, inform them about a new product, discuss a change in their situation that you can help them with … don’t call to touch base.

Old Game 3. “My products and services are the same as my competitors.”

New Game: “It’s all about the buying experience.”

If you can’t change the products and service, change the buying experience.

In what ways can you create a buying experience for your clients?

How do you greet them … how do you deliver value early … how do you reinforce value … how do you let them know that you value them … how are you using technology to help you create wonderful buying experiences?

Old Game 4. “I ask for a buying decision.”

New Game: “I recommend what to do next.”

Asking for the sale is potentially an opportunity to lose the sale.

You’re the expert … Why would you ask someone who is not an expert in what you sell to make a buying decision.

You’re the expert … When you’ve uncovered their wants and needs and shown the value that you can create for them, make an assertive (not confronting, not aggressive, not brash) confirmation of that value they will receive and recommend what they need to do next to receive that value.

Old Game 5. “I reactively deal with obstacles and objections when I’m presenting my solutions, products and service.”

New Game: “I proactively uncover client apprehensions before I start my presentation.”

In the old process of selling, you would make your presentation and then deal with obstacles or objections … or worse, you’d ask for the sale, and when you got a “no” as a response, you’d then try and deal with why not?

The new game is to ask great questions that uncover any potential issues before you even start presenting your solution.

In other words, your presentation covers off on client concerns as part of the presentation and solution.


These have been five thoughts on Changing the Sales Game to Change the Results.

I trust that they have encouraged you to think about the games you play, and provide you with the momentum to change the game when necessary and change the results for the positive.

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