About (Us)
As an introvert who has learned how to behave like an extrovert (weird huh), I still don’t find talking about ‘me’ easy.
So let me share a bit about ‘we’, because when you work with me, you’re really working with ‘us’.
Liz and I are best mates, been married for almost 40 years and have worked together for most of those … yep, it can be done.
I’m confident you’ll find that What Really Matters to us will also matter to you … scroll down to see what I mean.

What Really Matters to Us
I know the ‘About’ section would typically bang on about my academic cred, years of experience as a keynote speaker and corporate educator, and all that stuff … and you’ll find that below. However, we wanted to share just two of our values here … it’s these things that really matters to us, and I’m guessing they matter to you too.
Liz and I believe what really matters is the relationships we have in our business and personal lives. When you work with us, our focus and intention is to find ways to make your life better in some way. We also have learned many times and believe life is a gift … none of us know what’s just around the corner. What really matters to us is to be grateful for what we have and what we have experienced. When you work with us, we will strive to be mindfully present, to listen to your needs, wants and goals, and work with you to discover ways we can collaboratively achieve them.

Let's Talk Experience
I’ve delivered conference keynote presentations and masterclasses for top-tier corporations and associations for over 3 decades and across 10 countries.
I am privileged to have been inducted to the Australian professional speakers’ Hall of Fame.
So what?
Great question … what this means is you can have confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your audience is going to be energised, entertained and educated using proven learning and presentation methodology that works across all generations.
Behavioural Scientist
I’m not an academic boffin … but I do have degrees in business and human resource development (the psychology of adult learning); an MBA; a Master degree in Professional Ethics and a Master of Science degree in Applied Positive Psychology.
My presentations draw on the latest in evidence-based research, delivered in easy to understand and practical tips that work in our real world of business.

My passionate thirst for learning about what causes each of us to thrive in our work and personal lives, has resulted in hundreds of published articles, blog and social media posts.
As a published author, I have written six books including my latest two books of which I’m most proud: